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Heat Load Forecast Service 2017-2018

Project start date: 20 May 2017
Project end date: 30 August 2018
Publication date: 21 December 2018
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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Katestone has been providing this service for over ten years and in that time the service has grown from 16 to 360 forecast locations (including 90 public sites). The forecast for the service is generated using the Weather Research & Forecasting model. The system is monitored by Katestone scientists throughout the summer season and assessed for performance in predicting the location, magnitude and duration of heat load events. The system has proven to accurately predict these key features and alert the relevant operators of the impending situation.

There are currently 541 subscribers, 271 user sites (268 feedlots and 3 abattoirs) registered to use the forecasting service, covering nearly a million head of feedlot cattle across Australia. This season saw 25 new feedlots and 1 abattoir register for the service.

Other MLA Cattle Heat Load Toolbox projects

  • B.FLT.4011 – summer 2019-2020 and 2020-2021
  • B.FLT.4004 – summer 2018-2019
  • B.FLT.0151 – summer 2011-2012
  • B.FLT.0365 – summer 2010-2011
  • B.FLT.0357 – summer 2009-2010
  • B.FLT.0352 – summer 2008-2009
  • B.FLT.0346 – summer 2007-2008
  • B.FLT.0340 – summer 2006-2007
  • FLOT.334 – summer 2005-2006
  • FLOT.329 – summer 2004-2005
  • FLOT.324 – summer 2003-2004
  • FLOT.320 – summer 2002-2003
  • FLOT.313 – summer 2001-2002

More information

Project manager: Des Rinehart
Primary researcher: Katestone Environmental Pty Ltd