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Development of a manual for the best practice and design of quarantine premises and associated biosecurity management plans

Project start date: 01 May 2017
Project end date: 01 June 2018
Publication date: 01 June 2018
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


​The livestock export industry currently lacks detailed, consistent best practice recommendations for the design and management of pre-export premises in relation to quarantine and biosecurity management. While pre-export premises are overseen by regulations and standards at all levels of Australian Government, importing countries are increasingly identifying additional requirements, expectations and oversight that they specify in their trading conditions. For the Australian livestock export industry to continue to operate efficiently it will need to identify and adopt improved infrastructure, systems and procedures and validate to customers that they are meeting both regulatory and importing country requirements.

This project involved a stock take of existing regulations and standards at all levels of Australian government (federal, state and local) along with extensive industry consultation.

A comprehensive Reference Manual for Pre-Export Premises has been prepared covering biosecurity, quarantine, environmental, animal welfare and other relevant regulations, as well as customer requirements and operational obligations for the planning, establishment and operation of livestock export Registered and Approved Premises.

A Biosecurity Manual for Pre-Export Premises has also been developed as a tool for pre-export premises to assist with the implementation of key biosecurity principles as standard operating procedures. The manual includes a biosecurity template and an Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Action Plan and an accompanying Guide to Developing an Animal Health Management Plan.

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