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ABARES AAGIS survey and beef and slaughter lamb reports

Project start date: 01 July 2017
Project end date: 30 July 2018
Publication date: 30 July 2018
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


This report provides MLA's GIIST business unit and industry all the relevant historical beef and prime lamb data collected through ABARES. Production of a beef industry report and slaughter lamb industry report focusing on the key physical and financial changes in both industries in the past year based on data collected from ABARES annual agricultural and grazing industry survey which is also partly funded by MLA. Each contains relevant tables and charts to accompany the text and the data used in the tables and charts are provided to MLA in excel. Each report contained the MLA logo and also reference the accompanying online beef, lamb and sheep database developed by ABARES for MLA.

Australian Agricultural and Grazing Industries Survey (AAGIS) has been made available to MLA and the industry in tabular form in the annual Beef lndustry Report and Prime Lamb Industry Report. These are complemented by an online database.

The reports and database are available on the MLA website -please click here.

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