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Sheepmeat Market Structures and Systems Investigation

Red Meat 2017 is a key red meat industry event hosted by MLA. Red Meat 2017 incorporates a number of key activities including: the MLA Annual General Meeting , RMAC forum, MLA Producer Forum, On Farm Producer tour, Peak Industry Council quarterly meetings, a red meat industry networking function and a farewell BBQ.

Project start date: 02 July 2017
Project end date: 26 November 2022
Publication date: 31 March 2022
Project status: Completed


Red Meat 2017 is a key red meat industry event hosted by MLA. Red Meat 2017 incorporates a number of key activities including: the MLA Annual General Meeting , RMAC forum, MLA Producer Forum, On Farm Producer tour, Peak Industry Council quarterly meetings, a red meat industry networking function and a farewell BBQ. The aim is to showcase the research, development, adoption and marketing achievements for 2016/2017 and provides a high level forum for discussion of key issues with industry stakeholders. Silversun Events provides high level support at the suite of events in assisting MLA with technology, event management and communication to ensure high quality professional outcomes for the event.