Operational R&D Plan for Managing Climate Variability Program
Project start date: | 25 August 2016 |
Project end date: | 02 June 2017 |
Publication date: | 07 February 2017 |
Project status: | Completed |
Livestock species: | Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle |
Relevant regions: | National |
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Key groups, including key people nominated by other RDCs, have been consulted for input into the MCV5 Operational Plan. The initial consultation was by email, phone and in person, followed by a workshop at the Bureau of Meteorology in Melbourne on 27th September 2016. Peter McIntosh gave a presentation at this workshop summarising the results of the consultation to date. The following day, he summarised progress with the Operational Plan to the MCV partners at their partner meeting in Melbourne. A draft Operational Plan was then prepared with contributions from the other consultants, and this plan was distributed on 18th November to the more than 50 people consulted for further comment and feedback. The revised plan was presented to the MCV partners at a teleconference on 13th December 2016, with final comments incorporated into the final Operational Plan which was submitted on 23rd December 2016. This report is a reformatted version of the final Operational Plan.
More information
Project manager: | Tom Davison |
Primary researcher: | Birchip Cropping Group Inc |