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NRM Spatial Hub - Underpinning Better Management Decisions in the Rangelands

Project start date: 01 May 2016
Project end date: 20 June 2017
Publication date: 20 June 2017
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


This short term project was to continue to develop the NRM Spatial Hub as a service to adequately support existing grazing enterprises, NRM organisations and industry service providers during the term of the project.
Stage 1 of the initiative has been a success (Federal Government development and then ERM.0098).

The challenge is to transition to a delivery model which supplies a self-sustaining business that continues to foster collaboration, and provide long-term opportunities for industry growth and efficiency gains across government and regional bodies.

This Stage 2 project (managed by AWI with funding via MLA, AWI, CRC SI, and Fitzroy Basin NRM ) of the NRM Hub aimed to:

  • consolidate the service for 350 properties currently using the Hub; Achieved
  • extend the Hub services to new properties and new "champions" in southern grazing systems; Achieved 
  • The Hub team conducted user training across Qld, NSW, VIC and SA, and a number of webinar sessions for WA and TAS users. Over the last 12 months over 400 producers and extension staff have completed NRM Hub training in the last 12 months, excluding training undertaken by other extension staff.
  • embed the Hub in existing extension and research programs; Not fully progressed.
  • interact with NRM regional bodies; Achieved NRM Extension staff allocated to properties on request. Over 80 Extension staff are routinely using the Hub in support of programs. Around a third of these are intensive users, who are also training properties owners in the Hub's use.
  • to scope best practice extension and NRM use case development and transition the Hub into a sustainable and on-going business model. Achieved Draft Commercialisation Report delivered

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