MSA R&D Support 2016/17
Project start date: | 01 July 2016 |
Project end date: | 30 June 2017 |
Publication date: | 30 June 2017 |
Project status: | Completed |
Livestock species: | Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle |
Contractor: Professor John Thompson,JMT Consulting Pty Ltd
Summary: This project was set up to utilise the consultants expertise to provide advice and support for research and development in MSA beef and sheepmeat. At the direction of MSA personnel the consultant was asked to provide technical advice and support for MSA R&D activities including but not limited to; data analysis, review of milestone report, scientific paper preparation and MSA Beef Pathways and Taskforce papers. The consultant was allocated a select number of days to spend on tasks.
During this contract, the consultant was instrumental in his consultation to the meat colour and packaging research along with the development of analyses and papers associated (Project P.PIP.0488).
Completion Date: June 30th, 2017