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MSA Operations Budget 2016/17

Project start date: 31 May 2016
Project end date: 29 September 2017
Publication date: 22 August 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


The aim of this project is to conduct independent research to investigate brand owner understanding, attitudes and behaviours to MSA and identify the brand owner segments and the opportunities for enhancement of MSA program value to brand owners and processors.


In-depth interviews conducted with 20 brand owners covering a spread of the following:
- species (beef vs sheepmeat)
- size and resourcing (small, medium, large volume/turnover)
- structure (family owned, corporate, processor linked versus non-processor related)
- domestic and international ownership
- domestic and internationally marketed brands
- length of association with MSA/experience with MSA.

Primary objectives:
- To gain insights into the understanding and perceived value proposition of MSA to brand owners marketing beef and lamb domestically and/or internationally.
- Current understanding of MSA.
- Current awareness and utilisation of program attributes/resources and potential benefits.
- Opportunities to improve MSA program activation to drive greater value.
- Barriers to MSA program adoption and activation.
- To assess customer satisfaction of the MSA program amongst brand owner stakeholders (a requirement of the programs ISO accreditation).

Secondary objectives:
- Implicit in this is that the project will help MLA understand segments within brand owners and processors that have differing understanding of, and needs from MLA in relation to the MSA program.

Benefits to industry

Continued funding of the MSA operational costs ensure the high farm-gate returns associated with the MSA program.

Future research

For more information

Contact Project Manager: Michael Crowley
