Management of electronic declaration (eDEC) system
Project start date: | 01 July 2016 |
Project end date: | 30 June 2017 |
Publication date: | 30 June 2017 |
Project status: | Completed |
Livestock species: | Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle |
These projects covered the maintenance and support service for the eDEC system and the online eDEC system, including:
1. Upgrade of the electronic National Vendor Declaration (NVD) program's eDEC and Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) databases to use unique ID numbers to allow users to change their email address, location and other attributes.
2. The support and maintenance of the eDEC token registration and issuing system for both eDEC and online eDEC (Goat, Cattle, EU cattle, Sheep, Bobby Calves, Commodity Vendor Declarations (CVD) and By-product Vendor Declaration (BVDs))
3. Preparation of updated NVD versions for the eDEC and online eDEC systems.
4. Preparation of Export Slaughter Intervals (ESI), instructions and map PDFs for updated NVDs, CVDs, BVDs in suitable formats for eDEC and other MLA use.
5. Ad hoc changes due to form and software/operating systems changes.
6. Development and implementation of producer eDEC emergency NVDs system (web based) integrated with the AUS-MEAT LPA website.
7. Provided systems for the electronic declarations program systems for faxing, data management, data storage and electronic forms storage.
8. Improve system linkages between the eDEC system and the LPA database.
9. Development of standardised reporting.
10. Provide user support online through LPA management account and address issues raised through the LPA Hotline