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Feasibility study of BeefSpecs optimisation model to ACC’s feedlot (Stage 1)

Project start date: 04 April 2016
Project end date: 24 March 2017
Publication date: 03 April 2017
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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Australian Country Choice (ACC) has a master vision to develop and build on current systems and capabilities in data measurement and management to facilitate in real time cost management across the business including processing and livestock production. A full scope of work consisting of 5 phases has been developed to evaluate, implement and optimise a feedlot induction process across ACC's business. In the current project, a feasibility study was proposed to determine the value of the BeefSpecs feedlot optimisation model to the ACC feedlot production system (Stage 1).
This study has successfully completed an initial ACC feedlot assessment of cattle from induction through to slaughter. Critical inputs into the model include initial weight, P8 fat, frame score (calculated from age and hip height), breed type, ADG, days on feed, dressing precent, and feed type (grass or grain). Specifically, it was identified from an initial ACC feedlot investigation that the company required an initial preliminary evaluation of sorting system(s) that:

  • Sorts individuals at induction into pens that will take a similar DOF to reach the desired ACC set carcass endpoint.
  • Can be made dynamic and be updated with variables such as feed intake, weather data, pen conditions to give a daily update of performance of that pen [e.g. carcass characteristics, profit ($/hd) and incremental carcass cost of gain]. Days on feed can therefore be adjusted in real-time to maximise profit of feeding that pen.
    Focuses on individuals and calculates the production cost of a carcass at the processing plant.
  • Provides value over the current method of sorting at ACC.
  • Evaluate objective data capture methods at induction (3D Camera, Ultrasound) as methods of turnoff potential (note this is additional to the original scope of the project).

The optimisation results are based on a per pen basis which is more realistic than a per animal optimisation. This analysis is retrospective but the current management strategies provide a base line dataset to analyse current and future management strategies to improve profitability. If a BeefSpecs feedlot optimisation tool was to be implemented into the ACC operation then real-time optimisation processes would need to be applied.

To further develop BeefSpecs as a feedlot induction process, the following stages need to be further developed: 

  • Implement a P8 fat assessment strategy.
  • Real-time market specifications.
  • Access P8 fat assessment strategy with a BeefSpecs optimisation before a full implementation.
  • Extension of the current 3D camera system to also include European and Bos indicus breeds.

In addition, it is proposed that the next steps would be the extension of the current 3D camera system to also include European and Bos indicus breeds to cover the entire spectrum of breed combinations present at ACC feedlots.  The analysis of this data and the reporting of these results is proposed to be conducted at a later date within the ALMTech program.

More information

Project manager: Dean Gutzke
Primary researcher: NSW Dept of Industry & Investment