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Device accreditation | 2017

Project start date: 01 July 2014
Project end date: 30 June 2017
Publication date: 30 June 2017
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


NLIS Ltd is responsible for the accreditation of devices for NLIS purposes based on the results of field trials. The projects included in this summary informed NLIS Ltd on device issues, addressed specific issues or were for  enhancements to the device trial process.
V.NLI.1222 - Review of accreditation process Under this project a review of the device accreditation and made a number of recommendations which are being implemented in an update to the device standards and trial protocols.
V.NLI.1223 NLIS Device Performance Monitoring. This project was an addition to MLA's cash cow project and allowed for the collection and analysis of NLIS device retention as part of the cash cow project.
V.NLI.1323 Review of emerging technologies An international review of current and under-development livestock identification was undertaken to inform NLIS Ltd of current practices and research in progress.
V.NLI.1301 Marketplace analysis of NLIS devices Following the less than expected reduction in device prices over time a review of the NLIS market place was undertaken to determine any action that may be taken to reduce prices.
V.NLI.1424 RFID Device Testing This is an ongoing requirement to undertake electronic testing of new devices.  This ensures that devices proposed for NLIS will perform as well as existing devices.
V.NLI.1425 Update to NLIS Standards and Protocols The updates standards implement the recommendations of the device accreditation process review and aim to provide more clarity to tag manufacturers regarding NLIS requirements for device performance and device trials.
V.NLI.1427 White paper on lab testing of ear tags This whitepaper considered the international literature on plastics testing in various industries and identified potential testing protocols for NLIS tags.
V.NLI.1524 RFID Device Testing This is an ongoing requirement to undertake electronic testing of new devices.  This ensures that devices proposed for NLIS will perform as well as existing devices.
V.NLI.1531 Development of laboratory based testing protocol for predicting "structural" performance of plastic ear tags during in-field exposure. The project will involve the establishment of a joint CSIRO, NLIS Ltd and NLIS Standards Committee working group, with CSIRO to organise a workshop to brainstorm and discuss the number/brand of tags to be included in the testing, field conditions that tags experience during their lifetime, and other issues that have been identified to speed up deterioration of tags.
V.NLI.1602 Project with CSIRO to explore the feasability of developing a laboratory based protocol to test the structural integrity of tags submitted for accreditation, to establsih a "fingerprint" of accredited tags, and seek to identify tags thatwill be expected to perform satisfactorily
V.NLI.1603 This project provided for the colection of tags at the point of slaughter, to assist NLIS Ltd to build up a collection of tag smaples for analysis