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V.RDP.1007 - Development of a market research framework to identify agrifood innovation opportunities within the SEA and MENA regions

Indonesia is one of the most populous countries in the world. 45.4% of household expenditure goes to food, and consumers want to increase protein in their diet.

Project start date: 14 February 2016
Project end date: 14 June 2016
Publication date: 22 April 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb


The purpose of this project is to develop an innovation architecture as the research framework to develop market-based insights to innovation and growth in the red meat sector. The framework will be applied to two regions; Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The consultant will design, develop and test the framework with MLA staff and selected industry partners.


1. Develop an innovation architecture (research framework and process) with the following attributes;
- research framework for developing a country profile.
- research framework for identifying food industry and red meat market trends in a targeted market.
- research framework and process for identifying opportunity spaces for red meat in a targeted market.
- iterative strategy process for assessing and prioritizing opportunity spaces for red meat in a targeted market.
- iterative strategy process for identifying and assessing potential innovation pathways.
2. Test the application of the innovation architecture with at least one MLA industry partner.

Key findings

Market trends & system capabilities were assessed to identify options that deliver benefits to consumers and/or value chain customers. There are opportunities to
- expand regional tourism food service opportunities
- implement policies for food security/sovereignty solutions
- meet demand of changing dietary patterns (high demand for protein)

Benefits to industry

An innovation architecture will be developed to assist in identifying food industry and red meat market trends in a targeted market.

More information

Project manager: Joshua Whelan
Contact email: