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Non-Producer Segmentation Study

Project start date: 02 May 2016
Project end date: 30 June 2016
Publication date: 30 June 2016
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


​The purpose of the research was to secure ongoing support of MLA by non-producer stakeholders including commercial participants - retailers and processors; and non-commercial participants including PICs and Government departments. MLA must be in a position to not only effectively but also efficiently meet current and future needs.

The project comprised a series of workshops conducted with relevant MLA personnel, which captured the core needs, issues and complaints of the above stakeholders with regards to MLA. The findings of each workshop were then condensed into a segmentation report which segmented staekholders based on the axes of well resourced to poorly resourced, and commercial to non-commercial defined six discrete segments:

  • corporates,
  • mid-sizes businesses,
  • local businesses,
  • federal government,
  • farming organisations
  • interest groups

Experts profiled each sergment, summarising their needs and motivations, developed a Value Proposition for each segment, including the kind of relationship MLA should aim for, the kind of information it should provide and how, and the benefits MLA can offer each to meet their needs.