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JDW: Development and Implementation of Collaborative Innovation Strategies program (Stage 1) for John Dee/MLA.

Project start date: 01 July 2013
Project end date: 01 July 2016
Publication date: 30 October 2016
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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​In January 2013, MLA and JBS agreed to progress to Stage 2 of the Collaborative Innovation Program with an expanded focus to encompass the full range of JBS strategic business areas (see Diagram 1). The expanded JBS Stage 2 Collaborative Program was structured to incorporate the full range of JBS and MLA marketing, innovation and R&D activities. Through the CISP Stage 2 program, JBS has made significant progress in development of R&D process, systems and skills and capabilities to implement their business improvement priorities.  As a result, JBS is now beginning to implement a more integrated and systematic approach to innovation and evaluating ideas.

A number of R&D opportunities have been identified and implemented in Stage 2 to enhance capability. The outcomes of the independent review of the JBS CISP Stage 2 program will be used to inform JBS’s future priorities and the required service delivery model and resourcing for a proposed Stage 3 program. In general, JBS was found to be a highly innovative organisation with initiatives that are having a benefit to the greater good of the Australian red meat industry. The independent review identified the CISP Stage 3 program focus (i.e. the next stage of CISP) should focus on finding the right balance between “doing things better”, “doing things differently” and “doing different things” that is most suitable for each JBS business. A proposal is currently under development for a proposed CISP Stage 3 with a Whole of Company approach involving a broader scope of JBS’s value chain.

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Project manager: Dean Gutzke
Primary researcher: John Dee Warwick