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Insights 2 Innovation: Domestic Snacking Ethnographic Research

Project start date: 06 May 2016
Project end date: 30 October 2016
Publication date: 22 August 2016
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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Within the overall food market, it is in the area of snacking and on-the-go meals that there continues to be the greatest long term growth. Datamonitor reported that in 2011 overall 'main meal' was in steady long term decline at 0.5% per annum, where as snacking was in growth at 2% per annum.  So much so, that we now see some 'innovative consumers' who prefer to graze throughout the day, rather than structure their lives around 'proper meals'.  

To realise this opportunity, any new snack offerings will need to:

  • Deliver to changing expectations - what people now want from snacks
  • Target a particular consumer segment, as consumers become more diverse in their preferences
  • Understand how they can fulfil a role in consumers lives, by focusing on a particular occasion within their overall repertoireEnsure they are readily available, via relevant channels and in the most desired form to be appealing.

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Project manager: Emily Thompson
Primary researcher: DI Jenkinson Pty Ltd