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National Agricultural Manure Management Program

Project start date: 25 June 2012
Project end date: 30 June 2015
Publication date: 30 June 2015
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


The National Agricultural Manure Management Program (NAMMP) was funded as part of the Australian Government 'Carbon Farming Futures' (CFF) program, which began in 2012 and ran through to June 2017. It was developed to coordinate a national research program to estimate the agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions abatement potential for various manure management systems. 
The NAMMP was managed by a consortium consisting of the following research and development corporations (RDCs): Australian Pork Limited (APL); Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA); Dairy Australia (DA); Chicken Meat Program of Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC); and Australian Egg Corporation Limited (AECL). 
Projects funded under the NAMMP, which have relevance to the red meat industries, include:UWA Project 01200.076 'Mitigating the greenhouse gas potential of Australian soils amended with livestock manure';QDAF Project 01200.080 'Advancing livestock waste as low emission – high efficiency fertilisers';QUT Project 1194448-211 'Composting as a means of minimizing GHG emissions from manure supply chain'.UQ Project 1194407-186 'Anaerobic treatment for emissions reduction from solid manure residues'.
A significant number of research outcomes were achieved which add to the basic understanding and quantification of GHG emissions from intensive livestock manure management and land application practices. This information will assist in verifying and updating factors in Australian National Greenhouse Accounts, update industry models, and provides baseline data for the possible development of a range of new Emissions Reduction Fund Methods.
The research findings from the Carbon Farming Futures (CFF), which includes all the NAMMP projects, are available in the publication "Boosting farm productivity – Improved soils and reduced greenhouse gas emissions".
The publication can be found on the department's website