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Marketing Collateral - 3D Livestock Management

Project start date: 06 March 2015
Project end date: 25 March 2015
Publication date: 22 September 2015
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) & NSW Dept of Primary Industry (NSWDPI) and University of Technology Sydney (UTS) partnered to develop a 3D Imaging livestock management tool, comprising of  multiple cameras coupled with a smart software system. This tool has been developed towards providing a remote objective estimate of live dimensions and body composition for animals primarily in feedlots, large cattle properties, live animal assessment for on-line auctions, sale yards and potentially processors with real time interactive livestock data to inform livestock management, product management and sales.  A patent application has been lodged with IP Australia.
These projects reviewed commercialisation options, identified  market segments, developed sections commercialisation plan and a short marketing flyer, see attached.  
Interest in further development, investment and/or licensing the 3D imaging livestock management tool is being sought.  Please contact the On-Farm Commercialisation Manager for more details.

More information

Project manager: Amanda McAlpine
Primary researcher: Creative Commercialisation Pty Ltd