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HEARD Systems' pregnancy diagnosis device for cows

Project start date: 10 November 2009
Project end date: 25 March 2015
Publication date: 25 March 2015
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National


A handheld HEARD e-preg device, developed through an MLA Donor Company* (MDC) funded project has, at the time of this report, not been able to reach the MLA required accuracy for use by the Australian beef cattle industry.

The project, funded collaboratively through the MDC with Heard Systems Pty Ltd, began in 2009 and aimed to develop a handheld ECG non-invasive pregnancy diagnosis device. MDC investment has been put on hold whilst HEARD explore e-preg's future options and alternative approaches.

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