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Ex-post evaluation of LiveCorp and MLA programs for the live export industry

Project start date: 16 August 2009
Project end date: 26 August 2010
Publication date: 11 September 2015
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National


Australia is the world's leading supplier of live cattle, sheep and goats to countries around the world, in particular the Middle East and Asia. Australia meets the demand for essential red meat protein by exporting livestock for food production and breeding, as well as chilled and frozen meat products. 

The industry outcomes observed today in the Australian live animal export market are the result of collaboration between LiveCorp, MLA, the Australian government and industry.

This collaborative approach has involved:

  • The Live Export Program (LEP) a formal joint venture between LiveCorp and MLA that provides benefits to both producers and exporters;
  • Other LiveCorp activities carried out independently of the LEP in a value-adding role supporting its exporter members and other livestock exporter industry stakeholders;
  • The Live Animal Trade Program (LATP) — which is funded by the Australian government to improve animal welfare conditions in the livestock export trade;
  • Activities and policy development through Australian Government agencies such as the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade;
  • Industry investment, a continuing commitment to improving animal welfare and structural change in the industry.

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Primary researcher: Centre for International Cost analysis