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Project start date: 30 August 2013
Project end date: 16 April 2014
Publication date: 16 April 2014
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Lamb


This project supported the development and implementation of Lambex 2014, of which MLA was a major sponsor reaching over 650 sheep meat producers from across Australia.
MLA agreed to support Lambex with $45K which was negotiated to ensure MLA have representation on the organising committee and a reference panel for the programming with strong sheepmeat focused content that can deliver MLA information and resources.
In addition to the cash and benefits above, MLA provided an additional $30,000 in-kind support,  including:
• Development of an interactive display for the company's exhibition booth
• Provision of MLA speakers, accommodation and travel
• extensive promotion though all MLA communication channels includingFeedback magazine, Fridayfeedback weekly member email and the MLA website
Another key component of MLA's sponsorship is providing follow-up opportunities to all delegates through the introduction of the "Next Steps" booth at the Lambex conference.