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Development of Materials and Delivery of Innovation Development Program

Project start date: 15 March 2014
Project end date: 10 September 2014
Publication date: 09 September 2014
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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The Innovation Development Program (IDP) was developed as a pilot program to develop the professional skills required to initiate, support, sustain and lead innovation activities within Collaborative Innovation Strategies Partnership (CISP) program companies.
The program was designed to offer three key benefits:Relevance: nationally accredited innovation courses customised to meet the specific needs of the Australian red meat industry, with real-world case studies, site visits and industry speakers.Whole-of-company integration: as well as existing Innovation Managers, companies could nominate additional participants from across the organisation, to help embed innovation practices and culture company-wide.Practical, industry focus: IDP participants encouraged to work on a real-world innovation project (e.g. from the company’s CISP program), and share insights and learning through an active industry-wide network.
This program has been adopted by one CISP partner with the project underway and due for completion in 2016.

More information

Project manager: Edwina Greenham
Primary researcher: Well Grounded Consultancy