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Development of Livestock Market Analysis Service

Project start date: 17 January 2013
Project end date: 02 February 2015
Publication date: 23 December 2014
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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There is a vast amount of market data and information available for the Australian livestock industries.  However, it is often difficult for producers filter the 'noise' to determine what's relevant to them.  Moreover, the question also arises on how to interpret the information and what it means for individual businesses.
In July 2013, Ag Concepts Unlimited launched Mecardo to address this gap.  Mecardo is an online subscription-based service providing independent and commercial commodity market intelligence for Australian cattle, sheep and wool producers.  Mecardo is designed to complement the factual market reporting and analysis provided by Meat & Livestock Australia and others. It does this by filtering and analysing the 'important' market information, communicating it simply and concisely, and delivering only what's relevant.
Current subscriber, media and industry feedback suggests Mecardo is highly recognised and valued as a credible source of independent market intelligence underpinned by robust analysis.  However, uptake has been slower than expected. Several key challenges have been identified and must be addressed for the producing sector to benefit from using Mecardo.  
Being more informed will, among other things, allow producers to make more effective marketing and production decisions, allow them to assess prices on offer and assist business budgeting.

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Project manager: Jane Weatherley
Primary researcher: AG Concepts Advisory Pty Ltd