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Bredwell FedWell

Project start date: 01 June 2013
Project end date: 28 August 2014
Publication date: 28 August 2014
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb


Purpose and background Bredwell Fedwell (BWFW) is a practical, one-day workshop which highlights the key production benefits of genetics, plus feed management for improved reproduction. Delivery of BredWell FedWell workshops were jointly funded with Australian Wool Innovation (AWI).  
Project E.MMS.1402 aimed to deliver 56 Bredwell Fedwell workshops, targeted at nutritional and genetic improvements in the flock. Specifically participants were to learn how to increase enterprise profitability, develop breeding objectives, improve reproductive performance and flock profitability, and create energy budgets. This training program was to be delivered to 680 producers over a one year period. The objectives of the workshop were that participants would:Recognise that Australian Sheep Breeding values (ASBVs) are an important tool that can be used to improve their enterprise profitability.Have the ability to start to develop a breeding objective for their enterprise.Recognise the likely impacts of improving ewe nutrition on reproductive performance and flock profitability.Have the ability to do a simple energy budget for their ewe flock.
There was a management agreement with AWI and they were the managing partner. Following withdrawal of AWI funding from the project, it was terminated. The final project outcomes are included in under the project E.MMS.1409: Bredwell Fedwell Phase 2.