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Review of NLMP Round 2 Proposals

Project start date: 17 December 2012
Project end date: 30 August 2013
Publication date: 30 August 2013
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


Meat and Livestock Australia is the contracted manager for DAFF's National Livestock Methane Program. MLA called for project applications for Round 2 of the NLMP funding by DAFF; the consultant was engaged review submitted proposals and rank them from an industry perspective for DAFF funding.
Forty three submitted proposals were reviewed, and a review for each submitted to MLA. Submission of the above individual project reviews was followed by participation in a review meeting by telecom (03.01.2013) of the assessment team towards compiling agreed project ratings (and hence rankings) amongst all assessors.  Subsequently input was provided to a draft board paper for review by MLA executive group, and participation in an LPI managers meeting by telecom (09.01.2013).