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Optimize the LEAP IV and V smallstock automation technologies

Project start date: 01 March 2011
Project end date: 31 December 2012
Publication date: 01 January 2013
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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The LEAP IV is another module which forms part of the RTL lamb boning development. It is an automated lamb middle cutting system guided with the use of camera which breaks the rack barrel into various subprimal components. It includes an optional chining module.
The P.PSH.0591 project undertook further engineering development of the LEAP IV and LEAP V machines so that they integrated with the LEAP III primal cutter and could operate as a commercial boning room would do when it installed in an Australian lamb processing facility. The project included transfer of product from one machine to the other and included software and other modifications to enable processing of the range of product cuts as required by Australian processors.
Facilitated adoption - JBS
Early scoping and concept studies for a middle system were carried out under projects P.PSH.0190 and P.PSH.0519.
Scott Technology then successfully installed a fully integrated lamb automation system comprising of an x-ray, primal and middle process at JBS.  The x-ray middle system formed part of this project and was supported by the simultaneous commercial purchase of a primal machine by JBS.  The installation at Bordertown was not without its issues, with items such as non-uniform metal gambrels, slaughter floor processing and chilling peculiarities that resulted in non-uniform rib caged carcases (once in rigour), cutting blade material issues when combined with the cleaning chemicals used at JBS,  and a wide range of JBS customer specifications resulted in the x-ray middle (developed under project P.PIP.0327) to be then re-worked under a subsequent project (P.PSH.0701) to ensure the benefits predicted by Scott, JBS, MLA, AMPC and Greenleaf were achieved.
An ex post cost/benefit analysis was carried out under project P.PIP.0327 and gave a large per head net benefit of $2.95 versus the expected ex ante $1.35 through precise cutting lines and processing efficiencies.
Facilitated adoption - ALC
Scott Technology successfully installed a fully integrated lamb automation system comprising of an x-ray, primal and middle process at ALC Sunshine.  The middle system formed part of this project and was supported by a previous R&D project that installed the x-ray primal components.
A separate ex post cost/benefit analysis was carried out under project P.PSH.0629 at another processor which confirmed the large beefits of this system, showing $2.72 - $3.05 per head benefits.
The LEAP IV system (with an associated chining module) has been installed successfully at two large processors (JBS and ALC) and is now ready for commercialisation.

More information

Project manager: Christian Ruberg
Primary researcher: Robotic Technologies Limited