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Review of B.NBP.0597: Evaluating the business case for investment in development of Precision Livestock Management (PLM) technologies and applications

Project start date: 20 June 2010
Project end date: 30 September 2010
Publication date: 01 November 2011
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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​This review of the report titledEvaluating the business case for investment in development of Precision Livestock Management (PLM) provides an independent assessment of that report's assumptions, logic, applications and economic analysis, and how well the prescribed objectives have been met. Some of the proposed applications are speculative while others show a lack of on-property experience and knowledge of how properties are operated across the breadth ofnorthern Australia. There is inadequate evidence to support assertions regarding what the PLMs will do, and proof of concept or practical illustrations/case studies would help. Whilst the assumptions used may not be wrong, there is insufficient information to support them, making it impossible to validate the results. The overall logic in reaching the report's findings appears to be rational. The report would benefit from summarising many of the important outcomes in tabular form. By addressing the comments and questions raised, the economic appraisals may change, and UAVs for surveillance and mustering may still be worth considering.

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Project manager: Mick Quirk
Primary researcher: Mirroong Pty Limited