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Novel Approaches for control of Sheep Nematode Parasites

Project start date: 15 February 2007
Project end date: 11 February 2011
Publication date: 11 February 2011
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb


MLA and AWI jointly invested in a Gastro-Intestinal Novel Target Identification Program (GINTIP), which also included projects B.AHW.0022, B.AHW.0023, B.AHW.0024, B.AHW.0028, B.AHW.0029, B.AHW.0031, B.AHW.0032, B.AHW.0033, B.AHW.0035 and B.AHW.0049.
B.AHE.0002 (Identification and validation of new drug targets for control of gastrointestinal nematode parasites of sheep) this project was a sequel to the Gastro-Intestinal Novel Target Identification Program (GINTIP), which consisted of projects above. The researchers investigated 59 potential targets, of which one was considered sufficiently promising to warrant patent protection. Global efforts to interest pharmaceutical companies in commercial exploitation of this discovery were not successful.