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MMfS 2011 Forums Communication and Implementation

Project start date: 20 June 2011
Project end date: 09 December 2011
Publication date: 22 December 2011
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep
Relevant regions: National
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Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), in association with Australian Wool Innovation (AWI), ran a national sheep productivity stimulation campaign, under the brand of "It's Ewe Time!" and "Making More from Sheep" (MMfS). The nine forums focused on technical information with clear take-home action oriented messages for producers, with the themes based around the MMfS learning modules. The events were run in conjunction with event partners Elders, Landmark, Ruralco, and Sheep CRC, and, in Western Australia, the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. Cox Inall Communications was contracted by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) to plan, co-ordinate and promote the series of Forums. 
Cox Inall identified media, industry channels and networks and engaged them to inform producers of the compelling need to attend the Forums. Some 915 wool and prime lamb producers attended the nine events held in regional Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. The goal was to cleverly deliver the latest information on practical, efficient sheep management techniques to build individual producer capacity and knowledge to increase productivity in order to reverse the declining national flock and meet forecast market demand for Australian lamb. Cox Inall designed, orchestrated and managed all aspects of the communication program, and assisted with logistics, presentations, audio-visual set-ups, location advice, event management, catering, and attendee registration.

More information

Project manager: Richard Apps
Primary researcher: Cox Inall Communications