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Developing an Evaluation Framework for LiveCorp

Project start date: 01 December 2008
Project end date: 07 April 2009
Publication date: 01 November 2011
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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This report supplements the Review of LiveCorp's Key Performance Indicators undertaken by The Centre for International Economics' (The CIE) in which QualDATA was a key participant. The purpose of the review of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) was to come up with a relatively small number of specific and focused KPIs critical to the strategic and operational performance of the joint LiveCorp/Meat & Livestock Australia's Livestock Export Program (LEP) during the life of its Strategic Plan and Annual Operating Plans (AOPs).
The review came up with 15 KPIs across the four programs of:
1. Livestock management and animal welfare
1.1 On-going improvements to handling and transport
1.2 Increasing understanding and capacity by management and staff of exporters, shippers and in-market interests
1.3 On-going improvements in facilities and infrastructure
1.4 Demonstrated capacity to respond to incidents
2. Market compliance and development
2.1 Maintenance and building of existing markets, improving conditions and efficiency of access and improving understanding of market requirements
2.2 Support for additional market options and increasing industry's ability to have ready access to markets.
2.3 Improved capacity for industry to manage in-market operational issues
3. Supply chain
3.1 Increased efficiency in transport and handling from farm to in-market
3.2 On-going improvements in skills and capacity of the supply-chain workforce
3.3 Improved capacity to meet market requirements
3.4 Reduced cost of regulatory requirements
4. Communications and stakeholder relationships
4.1 Increased stakeholder endorsement of the industry (by industry, the Australian community and the Australian Government)
4.2 Enhanced perceptions by the scientific community of the technical capacity of industry
4.3 Stakeholders have confidence in technical advice and analysis undertaken by the Live Export program
4.4 Demonstrated industry unity through membership and support for LiveCorp and the LEP

The rationale is that if these 15 KPIs can be monitored, measured and effectively reported on, then management, partners, members and the broader industry and community can effectively gauge how well the LEP is fulfilling its stated aims and steps can be taken to ensure continuous improvement is in place in order to meet the terms of LiveCorp's Four Year Strategic Plan 2008 = 2011 and its AOPs.

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Project manager: Lewis Atkinson
Primary researcher: QualDATA