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BeefUp Forums

Project start date: 01 July 2010
Project end date: 30 June 2011
Publication date: 30 June 2011
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


MLA's BeefUp forums have been developed to help northern beef producers make more money from their beef production enterprises. Forums are held throughout Northern Australia and are developed by local producers together with industry.  Content of each forum varies, however the aim of each forum is to deliver programs with clear and practical information and tools developed from MLA R&D outcomes that producers can take home and put into practice on-farm immediately.   Experts are engaged and funded to discuss key profit drivers of beef businesses and sustainability practices that can make a significant difference to an enterprises bottom line, including:Understanding and managing profit drivers.Nutritional technologies to improve animal performance, better target markets and improve profitability.Innovative heifer and breeder management practices to improve turnoff.Strategies to improve land condition for long-term sustainability and greater profits.Updates on the latest factors affecting markets here and overseas. Further expenditure of this project area has related to event planning, evaluation, logistics, promotion, travel, administration and function costs. The benefits of progressing participants skills and knowledge base via BusinessEDGE courses in also included in the area

The purpose of the project was to support MLA in the coordination, and delivery of 21 BeefUp Days across Queensland, the Northern Territory and the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of Western Australia during the period from July 1 2016 to June 30 2017. It specifically invested in the speaking fees, travel and the accommodation costs of BeefUp presenters and catering and venue hire for the evets.
MLA's BeefUp days will present clear and practical / take home messages and encourage producers to implement practice change on-farm, assisting northern beef producers lift productivity and profitability. Beef Up's will encourage producers to register their interest in delivery program such as EDGENetwork and Profitable Grazing Systems. MLA BeefUp days will also:
Allow producer input into regional R&D needs including producer demonstration sites
Create awareness of other MLA services especially MSA and including marketing and R&D.
Create awareness of the role and responsibilities of the local RBRC.