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Australian goatmeat supply profiling scope of work for the development of a supply profile

Project start date: 30 June 2010
Project end date: 06 June 2011
Publication date: 01 September 2011
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Goat
Relevant regions: National
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The Australian goatmeat industry is largely based upon a commodity sourced from low input production systems in Australia's rangeland environments. A smaller, more intensive goatmeat production industry exists in higher rainfall areas. Goatmeat is also produced as a by-product of the goat fibre and dairy industries. The Australian goatmeat industry experienced a phase of dramatic growth in the last ten years with shipped weight exports increasing from 12,527 tonnes in 2000 to 25,911 tonnes in 2010. 
Australia is the world's largest exporter of goatmeat. The Australian domestic market for goatmeat was small but growing. In 2006, Meat & Livestock Australia commissioned the report "Supply profile of the Australian goatmeat industry", in order to quantify and qualify the supply potential of the Australian goatmeat industry. 
Since this time, the goatmeat industry developed further and goat depots have emerged as an important sector during this period. Meat & Livestock Australia therefore commissioned this report, "Australian Goatmeat Supply Profile" in order to update the finding of the 2006 report and to establish the goatmeat industry's current supply capability. This information assisted Meat & Livestock Australia in strategic planning and will support the development and sustainable growth of the goatmeat industry through the prudent investment of goatmeat marketing and research and development levies.

More information

Project manager: Blair Brice
Primary researcher: BCS Agribusiness