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Innovation Managers Network

Project start date: 25 November 2009
Project end date: 30 June 2010
Publication date: 30 June 2010
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


Building the skills and knowledge of individuals and enterprises throughout the value chain are the key to sustaining productivity and competitive advantage. The Innovation Managers Network was created as a supportive mechanism to enable industry and MLA Innovation Managers to develop the skills and experience required to undertake this new role. Membership of the Network is included for all companies participating in MLA's CISP program.  
The network delivers information and idea development to the Innovation Managers to ensure they have access to cutting edge technology/tools, personal and professional development and the ability to interact with the idea generators throughout Australia and the world. The network meets twice yearly for 2 day conferences.  Meetings include guest speakers and site tours from a range of industries including mining, banking, dairy, IT and manufacturing.  Topics covered include:Communities of practiceCustomer led innovationThe psychology of innovationStructuring innovationReward systemsBuilding capability for innovationGeneric skills required in an innovation manager or championDefining Strategic objectives for innovationElements of an innovation strategySystematic innovationDeveloping a successful value proposition
To date all CISP partner companies have been represented in the network meetings with eight conferences held in various locations around Australia. Feedback from participants has been positive with the components involving exposure to other industries and their approach to innovation particularly popular. The network has also encouraged ongoing contact between innovation managers on a more routine basis assisting each other to solve operational problems.