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Application of genomic marker technology in the selection, breeding and management of beef and dairy cattle for improved production in the Australian cattle industry

Project start date: 01 March 2009
Project end date: 30 June 2010
Publication date: 30 June 2010
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


​This project aimed to confirm the marker effects through assessment of the correlations and regressions between the Molecular Breeding Value and phenotypes in Beef CRC animals for a variety of traits; derive estimates (e.g. % genetic variation explained by MBV) that allow for incorporation of marker data into the national database of genetic evaluation, and coordinate with national breed associations to facilitate delivery of information to breeders; to provide data delivery mechanisms that allow breeders to use the information for selection, and which also allows the beef production chain (including processors) access to the information on other animals destined for slaughter, so as to ensure maximum consumer benefit; and to do additional genotyping with new markers to expand the analysis and use the resources of AGBU to complete the analysis, including derivation of Molecular Breeding Values and variance component estimation.