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sheepGENOMICS Muscle and Energy Utilisation Sub-Program (MEUSP)

Project start date: 01 December 2006
Project end date: 05 May 2009
Publication date: 05 May 2009
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb


The sheepGENOMICS Muscle sub-program was established as part of the sheepGENOMICS strategic initiative in late 2003.
The Muscle subprogram employed a Systems Biology approach to using the tools of "new biology" (including genomic technologies) for improving understanding of the biology of muscle and meat related traits.
The Muscle subprogram engaged with an independent Scientific Advisory Committee, comprised of experts in the field, to select projects for those submitted, guide investment into more promising areas and to ensure quality of the science conducted was best in the field. This ensured that although "high risk" studies were entered into they were monitored in a timely and appropriate manner.
It was anticipated that three important outcomes would be achieved during the life of the Muscle subprogram. They were:-Understand  how to discover the function of genes that affected muscle and meat development of sheepDiscover and exploit genes that influence novel muscle phenotypesDevelop the capability to conduct genomics research on production and quality of sheep meat in Australia