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Scoping Study - Grain and Graze II

Project start date: 01 March 2009
Project end date: 30 June 2009
Publication date: 30 June 2009
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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This project scoped a new program Grain and Garze 2. Mixed Farming Systems (Grain & Graze II) is a regionally based research and development program for mixed farmers. It is a formal collaboration between industry (led by the Grains Research & Development Corporation) and the Australian Government (through Caring for Our Country). Other industry partners (Meat & Livestock Australia) and regional natural resource management bodies (Catchment Management Authorities) are also key contributors
The objectives are:Lower costsof production; improved gross margins
More resilience through drought; both financially and environmentally
Better use of rainfall; optimal production in variable seasons
Environmental gains; more biodiversity and more carbon retention.

Specific targets include:Farm profitability will increase by an average of 6.8% ($38,650 per farm) for the 3,089 farmers and 1.3 million hectares involved.
The gains in profit will come from increased crop and livestock production for the rainfall received (an 11kg/ha increase in crop yields and 0.48 DSE/ha increase in stocking rates), and reduced input costs for fertilisers and chemicals (a $1.06 million reduction across the program by using biological methods). 
More crops will be grazed; an additional 465,568 hectares.More perennials will be grazed to increase production; an additional 56,254 hectares.The area under legumes will increase; by 47% or 120,851 hectares.Whole farm stocking rate will increase; by 15% through better utilisation of the whole farm feed base.More land will be managed according to full IPM principles; an additional 24,064 hectares.More land will be grazed to control weeds as an alternative to herbicides; an additional 76,397 hectares.More land will be managed to capture and store more rainfall; an additional 329,663 hectares. • The environment will also benefit: 
More native vegetation will be managed to enhance functionality and biodiversity; an additional 2,416 ha. Groundcover will be managed to prevent soil erosion across 258,021 hectares. An additional 221,400 additional hectares of stubble will be retained (that otherwise would have been burnt, cultivated or overgrazed)The carbon, greenhouse and water use implications of the substantive practice changes (stubble retention, crop rotations, use of perennials and increased stocking rate) will be determined

Between 2009 and 2013, Mixed Farming Systems (Grain & Graze II) aims to achieve improved management on over 3,000 farms, with an average improvement in profit of $38,650 per farm (ranging from $6,300 to $119,300 per farm in different regions).

More information

Project manager: Cameron Allan
Primary researcher: Grains Research & Development Corp