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Biomechanics & Ergonomics Research and Support

Project start date: 01 March 2008
Project end date: 30 March 2009
Publication date: 01 March 2009
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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MLA and AMPC have funded a wide variety of projects that address OH&S issues within the processing sector.
Early Reseeach (pre 2002)
Early MLA funded research in this area included:
M.388c Towards OH&S best practice in the Australian meat industry (1994)
M.388d Investigation and Evaluation of the Use of FM Radio Equipped Hearing Protection Devices in the Australian Meat Industry (1999)
PROHS.013 Feasibility of Benchmarking OHS Performance in the Australian Meat Processing Industry (2001) 
PROHS.014 Evaluation of MLA’s Occupational Health and Safety  Continuous Improvement Program (2001)
PROHS.010 Summary of Selected OHS Research in the Australian Red Meat Industry (2001)
RPDA.214 National best practice rehabilitation model (1998)
RPDA.209 Ergonomic case studies frommeat processing plants in Australia (1998)
RPDA.211 OH&S benchmarking workbook (1996)
RPDA.212 Meat Industry OHS Continuous Improvement Framework (1998)
RDPA.213 MRC Noice reduction project (1998)
UGR.004 Changes in Occupational Health and Safety Comprehensiveness in the Meat Processing Industry during 199 -1995 (1996)
More Recent Research
OH&S related projects have included the following.
Projects managed by MINTRAC:
A.MIN.0104 Development of a Workplace Health & Safety manual for meat industry supervisors
The MLA Donor Company and AMPC have funded the following:P.PIP.0152 Industry Ergonomic Project –  Gundagai Meat Processors  P.PIP.0721 Industry ergonomic assessment, claims and return to work management projectP.PIP.0727 Industry ergonomic project – Stanbroke BeefP.PSH.0236 Sociotechnical design of meat packing room
Projects funded by AMPC and MLA include:A.OHS.0025 & A.OHS.0043 AMPC OH&S Committee and related OH&S program costsA.OHS.0036 Improving return to work outcomesA.OHS.0038 & A.OHS.0047 Biomechanics of boning a hind beef quarterA.OHS.0051 Red Meat OHS Reference Guide Reprint 2008

More information

Project manager: Kristina Garlinge
Primary researcher: Ergosolutions Pty Ltd