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An External Review of the Meat Industry Services Program

Project start date: 14 September 2009
Project end date: 17 December 2009
Publication date: 01 October 2009
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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The Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC), Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd (MLA) and their preceding corporations have long recognised that the Australian Meat Industry must remain globally competitive, and in order to do so, there is a need for a collectively-funded mechanism to provide the Australian red meat industry with information, advisory services, technology transfer programs and short-term R&D that assist processors to compete effectively on the world markets by adopting new technology and R&D outcomes.
The Meat Industry Services (MIS) project was developed in 2004 with the purpose of providing Industry, government authorities and MLA with information to assist in the maintenance, defence and enhancement of market access, thus providing public benefit to all Australians. The services include rapid responses to emerging issues, information and advisory services, responses to specific company enquiries, advice to government and industry organisations, publications, and contact with processor personnel.
The project offered a suite of activities that are easily accessible; they encourage the development of skills, processes of engagement and networks. The project also facilitateds the uptake by Australian red meat processors of emerging processing capabilities developed under various programs but particularly those of AMPC and MLA.
The objectives of MIS included:Provide the Australian Red Meat Industry with information, advisory services, and technology transfer programs that assist processors to compete effectively on the world markets;Respond to company-specific enquiries; andRespond to enquiries related to research and route-to-market issues, and technology transfer programs.
The activities which fall under the MIS project included:
1. Communication and knowledge sharingMaintain currency in relevant scientific knowledge through researching developments in literature, industry publications and news. Knowledge disseminationProvide an information and advisory service which communicates feedback of knowledge gained to industry and MLA.Update information on the meat update website, on topics agreed to by MLA.Communicate information about the service and its users back to MLA. This includes but is not limited to providing information to MLA regarding the number and nature of enquiries received and who they are from.PublicationsDevelop regular issues of the Meat Technology Update and Meat TechnologyWhat's New newsletter.  
2.  Provision of high level technical expertise and advice and input into industry meetings. This includes:Preparation for, attendance at and provision of input into meetings (e.g. EMIAC, E. coli panel, MINTRAC, ARA) as required.Attendance and input at the MINTRAC conferences.High level scientific and technical advice provided to industry, MLA, AMPC, government
3. Direct technical support to industry and rapid response to enquiries. This includes:Provision of advice to industry and other interested parties through an advisory service.MIS user access to CSIRO and international networks and the undertaking of literature searches through the CSIRO library network and databases.Provision of information informally through contact with processor personnel at conferences and networking events. A Meat Industry Knowledge Development project (A.MIS.0008) and an External Review of the Meat Industry Services Program (A.MIS.0009) has also been conducted. Reports for this are also attached.

More information

Project manager: Anna Hanson
Primary researcher: Solutions Marketing & Research P/L