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Market research and pilot for a coaching delivery model in More Beef from Pastures

Project start date: 01 April 2009
Project end date: 30 July 2010
Publication date: 01 July 2008
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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The grazing industries have recognised the importance of management in generating profit and have not been short in providing a great deal of programs and activities that focus on improving the management of the feed base. However few programs or activities have been able to provide the level of support necessary to achieve lasting improvement in skill.
In view of the above there is a need to provide producers with programs that provide them with an opportunity to observe first-hand the implementation of these strategies over a full season. It is about providing the participants with a 'first step' towards challenging the way they manage their feed base. It is not about providing all the knowledge, skills and tools required – it is about providing the stimulus for participants to want to change.
​A key focus of these projects is developing relationships between coaches, consultants and the farmer participants. These relationships provide producers with greater access to the wide range of information and services.

More information

Project manager: Jane Weatherley
Primary researcher: Davey & Maynard