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Implementation of the National Beef Genetics Plan - Part 2

Project start date: 01 June 2006
Project end date: 05 November 2008
Publication date: 01 January 2008
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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This project addressed technology transfer to some new sectors of the beef supply chain following the recommendations from the Foresight Plan (2003) from the National Beef Genetics Extension Team, that identified influencer groups within the beef industry. To date, these sectors have received scant attention despite having an influence on uptake and utilisation of beef breeding practices. Previous projects that have emanated from the National Beef Genetics Extension Team Foresight Report (Proof of Profit Workshop, BFGEN.017, Development of BreedLeader) have focused on sectors of the beef supply chain who have direct influence on genetics ie. seedstock or commercial breeders. The major component of this project; influencer focus group meetings, were designed to evaluate the interest and the influence of groups from within the beef supply chain who in the past have not been regarded as primary extension agents..
Six specialised, influencer groups were delivered a focus group meeting as part of the project:
Breed Society Executives and Board members: temperate and tropical breeds

Real-Time Ultrasound scanning contractors

Beef semen importers, exporters and re-sellers

Feedlot livestock managers – 2 meetings held, Toowoomba and Wagga Wagga

Livestock agents – stud and commercial

High School teachers (agricultural responsibilities)

These groups were selected as examples of influencer groups because of their significant influence and the potential impact they can have on genetics extension in the beef industry. The Foresight Plan in fact identified twenty such groups that, if serviced, could have an important role in beef genetics extension.

More information

Project manager: Robert Banks
Primary researcher: University of New England