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Goat On Farm R&D Assessment

Project start date: 14 January 2008
Project end date: 31 March 2008
Publication date: 31 March 2008
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Goat


There was little measurement relating to the benefit MLA on-farm goat R&D has delivered to the goat industry and, as a result, it was difficult to plan optimal MLA on-farm goat R&D levy investment into the future. To assess the effectiveness of the MLA's on-farm goat R&D activities and to assist with planning, MLA commissioned an assessment of on-farm R&D activities since May 2006. The review was to: Quantify the effectiveness of past on-farm R&D with an emphasis on the adoption of research outcomes; and 
Assist in defining the direction of MLA on-farm R&D for goats 2008-2011.

Project description 
The project encompassed the development and delivery of online surveys and 25 one on one interviews with goat producers to quantify the effectiveness of past on-farm R&D with an emphasis on the adoption of research outcomes and assist in defining the direction of MLA on-farm R&D for goats 2008-2011. This assisted in determining: The outcomes of MLA's on-farm goat R&D spend/activities. 
The level of uptake of MLA's on-farm goat R&D activities. 
The level of adoption and awareness of MLA's on-farm goat R&D activities. 
The benefits gained by producers as result of adopting on-farm goat R&D outcomes. 
Where MLA should invest on-farm goat R&D levies to 2011 in order to deliver maximum benefit to goat producers.