Development and Hosting the AWI & MLA Landleader Database
Project start date: | 01 July 2008 |
Project end date: | 30 December 2008 |
Publication date: | 30 December 2008 |
Project status: | Completed |
Livestock species: | Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle |
MLA & AWI agreed to the development of a web based database by the MLA NLIS unit, for the joint AWI/MLA Landleader project which was used to enter, store and retrieve information relating to the Landleader Survey. The scope of this project was for the development and hosting of a web-based database for the MLA and AWI Landleader project. The Landleader database was used to enter, store and retrieve information relating to environmental stewardship, which was collected in-field via paper based surveys. The survey results were manually entered. Aggregate reports were available for MLA and AWO to access in order to view performance and trends at the industry level.
Once the draft functional specification was agreed to, technical design specifications were developed and made available for review. Reporting requirements were handled as a separate functional specification, and were within the scope of this project.
Landleader reports were generated over 2 years, however the project was discontinued - one reaosn being associated with the quality of input data.