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Developing an 'Is it fit to export?' guide

Project start date: 20 June 2006
Project end date: 31 August 2008
Publication date: 31 August 2008
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


During 2005, a project (LIVE.120) was commissioned to investigate the most suitable condition scoring systems to be included in the live export industry standards.  A key recommendation from the LIVE.120 report was the publication of a user-friendly guide that illustrates livestock that are either too poor or too fat and therefore should not be considered for export for health and welfare reasons. The Australian Standards for Export of Livestock (ASEL) includes a number of animal welfare related standards for which industry participants must demonstrate competence.  Section 1 deals with the selection and sourcing of livestock providing standards for selection covering pregnancy status, horn status, minimum age and weight requirements, body condition and freedom from illness and disease.
Section 2 provides standards for the land transport of animals covering maximum water deprivation period, the loading of livestock, which are fit to travel and planning the journey. Section 3 deals with the assembly, pre-export treatment and inspection of livestock suitable for export. Sections 4, 5 and 6 deal with the loading and shipping by sea and air of the livestock covering the requirements for space, feeding and care of the animals.   Over the last 12 months the MLA in collaboration with a number of West Australian stakeholders published a pocket guide titled "Is if fit to load?" aimed at ensuring satisfactory outcomes in the land transport of livestock.
A similar type of guide for the live export industry is planned which incorporates some elements of the WA publication, which will demonstrate livestock that should not enter the live export chain. This project will produce a concise, pocket guide, which will assist in the maintenance of high standards of animal health and welfare during the live export process for sheep, goats and cattle. In compiling the guide, researchers will take into account the current version of and prospective draft versions of Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock and relevant sections of the LiveCorp Operational and Governance Manual Template. The guide will aim to assist producers, livestock transporters, buyers, exporters, pre-export assembly depots and AQIS staff and be written in simple language using photographs and diagrams where possible.  The aim in producing this publication is to prevent animals entering the process chain giving rise to problems elsewhere in the export chain.