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Analysis of Australian Lamb Benchmmarking Data for International Compari sons

Project start date: 16 May 2007
Project end date: 30 June 2007
Publication date: 01 January 2008
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep
Relevant regions: National
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The Red Meat Industry Forum, an organisation established by the British government, has as part of its charter to implement strategies that will encourage British livestock producers to improve their productivity as the EU changes the way it will determine subsidies to farmers.

As part of this process, an international benchmarking of sheep production enterprises was held in England in June 2007. Holmes Sackett & Associates was asked to attend and present data from Australian production systems.
Other participating countries included England, New Zealand, France, Ireland and Spain.

The meeting was a three day meeting held in Durham in the north east of England and coincided with the Northern Sheep event – something a bit like a Hamilton SheepVention or Wagin Woolarama.

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Primary researcher: Holmes Sackett Pty Ltd