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Advisory for lamb definition project

Project start date: 28 July 2008
Project end date: 27 July 2009
Publication date: 01 October 2008
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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Assessment of the Economic Impact on Stakeholders and Industry from Extending the Lamb Definition In March 2008 a comprehensive project plan was jointly agreed to by both SCA and AMIC National Councils, and the Lamb Definition Working Group (LDWG). The plan identified the key objectives, tasks, and resources for addressing AMIC's proposal to change the current definition of lamb.
The project plan was split into 5 key elements, of which MLA has was asked to deliver a comprehensive report addressing the following:
1)Assess the economic impact on stakeholders and industry from extending the lamb definition.
2)Assess stakeholder perception and acceptance of extending the lamb definition.
3)Assess the impact on the international environment from extending the lamb definition.

More information

Project manager: Peter Weeks
Primary researcher: Holmes Sackett Pty Ltd ; ProAnd Associates Australia