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Wean More Lambs Demonstration Sites (Coordinator)

Project start date: 01 November 2004
Project end date: 31 May 2007
Publication date: 01 February 2007
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: National
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This report looks at the results of the 14 Wean More Lambs demonstration sited that ran from February 2005 through to September 2006. The sites were an initiative of Meat and Livestock Australia whereby money was allocated fund up to 20 sites nationally with the aim at demonstrating the cost benefits to producers of best practice management principals that would lift productivity and profitability through increased lamb conception, survival and weight gain. Five sites achieved an easily explainable increase in productivity and profitability from the demonstration through the application of best practice management principals. Over 650 producers attended field days across all sites and there were over 50 communications with local media outlets.

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Project manager: Ian Bamford
Primary researcher: Holmes Sackett Pty Ltd