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Establishing the economic benefits of a trained workforce for the Australian red meat industry

Project start date: 21 August 2006
Project end date: 28 February 2007
Publication date: 01 May 2007
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle
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This study demonstrated that a large meatworks can have a significant impact on a regional community. The 400+ workforce of
Burrangong Meat Processors (BMP) has a significant effect on housing, schools, and the local economy of Young. The company itself is perceived to be a significant local employer contributing substantially to the local economy. The company's long-term commitment to providing structured training to its workforce is acknowledged within the company, by all levels of employees, as being critical to the productivity, regulatory compliance and capacity of the company to meet customer expectations. In addition, the company's management believes that the training program has contributed to their capacity to fill all positions with skilled labour, and has enabled the company to promote skilled suitable applicants to higher positions. Managers also believe that the training program has improved retention rates, the company's safety record and the attractiveness of the company as a suitable regional employer.
Individual workers regard the training program as an essential part of their employment, and value the opportunity to receive an accredited qualification. They acknowledge that training improves their productivity, skill level, capacity to multi-skill, self-confidence, and understanding of the career opportunities offered within the meat industry. Many workers regard the opportunities within the meat industry as being suitable employment options for their own children, either as an interim or 'work readiness option, an opportunity to gain a trade or, in some cases, a long-term career option.
Despite their levels of job satisfaction and training, BMP employees do not consciously promote their place of employment or training achievements within the local community. Nor, at present, does the company (although it has done so in the past). This means that while many BMP employers contribute substantially to the social structure of the community through participation in community, voluntary and sporting organisations, the fact that they are BMP employees and that their willingness to participate may be attributable in part to the training they have received at BMP, goes largely unnoticed.
Even so, there is a perception within the community that BMP employees do contribute effectively to the social framework of the community, especially through sporting teams and community initiatives and projects. BMP as a whole is perceived to be a valued corporate citizen, despite the usual issues associated with running a meat processing plant within an expanding residential community. ​

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Project manager: Lewis Atkinson
Primary researcher: MINTRAC