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The Breeding Edge A design for an education package covering reproduction, genetics and animal health for beef producers in northern Australia

Project start date: 01 January 1999
Project end date: 01 November 2001
Publication date: 01 November 2001
Project status: Completed
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For the last fifteen years, MLA has supported research, development and extension in the northern beef industry through its North Australia Program. That support is continuing through its new Northern Beef Program (NBP), initiated in July 2001. Extensive market research was undertaken to assist in strategy formulation to guide this program. This research uncovered the five top priority outcomes (in order of importance) for northern producers. Be confident that markets for Australian cattle and beef are maintained and developed Have the management and production skills to cost effectively meet market specifications for your cattle Know how to improve live weight gains in a cost effective way Know how to improve calving and weaning rates in a cost effective way Know how to manage pasture for optimum production This research also indicated a willingness among northern producers to spend time and money on training In addition to NBP, MLA has also constituted the EDGE project to manage its involvement in the development and delivery of training and education for red meat producers. EDGE strategy for northern Australia identified Nutrition, Grazing Land Management and Reproduction, Genetics and Animal Health as the three education and training products to cover the production aspects of the beef business. Nutrition and Grazing Land Management education products are available or under development. This document addresses a proposed education package to assist producers in enhancing their management of the breeder herd, covering reproduction, genetics and animal health.

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Project manager: Hamish Chandler
Primary researcher: Rural Production Systems Pty Limited