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National Data Recording System for the Live Sheep Export Industry

Project start date: 01 January 1986
Project end date: 01 June 1989
Publication date: 01 June 1989
Project status: Completed
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A large research programme was undertaken in Western Australia and Victoria to define the immediate and predisposing causes of deaths during the export of live sheep from Australia to the Middle East. Part of the programme involved a study of ship Master's Reports for voyages loaded at Fremantle from 1985 to 1988. Analysis of the Master's Reports identified several factors that contributed to mortality aboard ship, including season (quarter of the year) loaded, voyage duration, ship and deck type (open and enclosed decks). However, limitations were recognized and it was recommended that a national data recording system be established. The system involves collection of daily mortality according to class of stock and deck on ship and incorporates an interview of the ship's officers on return to Australia after each voyage.

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Project manager: Andrew Cox
Primary researcher: Western Australian Department of Agriculture