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From idea to impact – commercialisation opportunities

MLA (and various collaboration partners) invests and generates intellectual property. Where applicable, MLA licences technologies with an emphasis on improving the Australian beef, sheep and goat industries.

MLA's passion to innovate and improve industry, coupled with expertise in IP protection and commercialisation, ensures a high level of commercial IP is licenced. We’re energised by potential solutions, no matter how big or how small. Some of the new commercial technology areas include diagnostics, animal treatments, vaccines, remote assessment, waste removal, new energy, robots and genetic assessment.

Below are technologies seeking commercial partners.

The available technology portfolio is constantly changing and not all technologies are advertised. So please contact us if you are exploring solutions to industry problems.

MLA also have strong networks throughout all sectors of industry and are always looking for new ideas to invest in. Visit the MLA Donor Company for more information.

Rhys Pirie – Business Development Manager
P: +61 (2) 9463 9191, M: +61 421 118 284, E: