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Grazing land management hub

Grazing land management hub

MLA works with partners across Australia to deliver programs that equip producers with the knowledge and skills to put the latest research into action. There are many ways you can upskill – whether that be online, at an event, trying out a training program or getting involved in one of our longer-term programs with other producers.

Managing your grazing land well is a key profit driver which underpins the health of your livestock business. Here you can find all the grazing land management resources and learning opportunities to help you improve the management and utilisation of your feedbase.

This resource hub covers ways to improve your feedbase:

  1. Attend an event
  2. Watch a webinar
  3. Use a tool or calculator
  4. Complete an online short course
  5. Sign up for a long-term training program.


How to improve your grazing land management skills

Watch a webinar

Use a tool or calculator

Stocking rate calculator

Designed to determine the number of cattle or sheep to put into a paddock based on its carrying capacity.

Check out the tool here.

Australian Feedbase Monitor

The Australian Feedbase Monitor provides producers with accurate updates of ground cover (%) and Total Standing Dry Matter (TSDM /kg) for every hectare of a property engaged in red meat production. 

Watch this video to find out more on the Australian Feedbase Monitor:


Feedbase planning and budgeting tool

Assists with planning rotational grazing systems, determining appropriate stocking rates, calculating pasture growth rates, determining how long paddocks will last and calculating the most economical ration of stock.

Check out the tool here.

Pasture improvement calculator

Helps to determine the costs and benefits of upgrading existing pastures, improving infrastructure, applying capital rates of fertiliser and establishing new pastures.

Check out the tool here.

Phosphorus tool

Helps producers determine suitable levels of P-fertilisation of temperate pastures grazed by sheep and beef cattle on acid soils in southern Australia.

Check out the tool here.

Pasture paramedic

A decision-making tool that allows rapid assessment of pasture condition in the medium to high rainfall zones of southern Australia, northern NSW and the WA wheatbelt.

Check out the tool here.

Pasture trial network

Allows producers to assess and compare the performance of more than 100 pasture varieties across the key pasture species for the red meat industry.

Check out the tool here.

Climate Savvy for grazing management

Northern producers can download a Climate Savvy report which provides weather and climate information specifically for your region to assist with grazing management decisions.

Carbon calculator

A digitised version of the SB-GAF calculator allows producers to complete a carbon account for their enterprise.

Watch this video to find out more on MLA’s carbon calculator:

Complete an online short course

MLA's free e-learning platform, The Toolbox, offers a flexible way for producers to expand their knowledge, anytime and anywhere. You can choose from a range of packages which take 15–20 minutes to complete. 

Healthy soils and pastures 

Healthy, fertile soils drive pasture productivity and deliver environmental benefits through improved water and nutrient use with less risk of surface run-off, erosion and deep drainage. This online training course has nine modules covering topics such as soil testing, the common visual indicators of soil condition, establishing a new pasture, utilising legumes in mixed farming enterprises and more. 

Start now

Sign up for an EDGEnework workshop


EDGEnetwork (EDGE) provides producers with tailored, comprehensive and practical learning opportunities in business management, breeding, grazing land management and nutrition through workshops across Australia.

The takeaways will give you additional knowledge and skills to enhance your business and livestock management – and positively influence your profitability, sustainability and productivity.

Grazing fundamentals EDGE is a one-day workshop that gives northern producers a broad understanding of the environment in which they operate and the core principles behind successfully maintaining grazing land condition and long-term productivity.

Grazing land management EDGE is a three-day workshop helping northern producers thoroughly understand their grazing environment, and how to strategically manage their grazing business to optimise land condition and productivity in the long-term.

Participate in the Profitable Grazing Systems (PGS) program

 PGS logo

Profitable Grazing Systems (PGS) takes small groups of like-minded producers who want to improve their whole-farm performance and matches them with a deliverer who builds their knowledge, skills and experience through hands-on training.

PGS is a ‘user pays' program, with MLA contributing through the funding of a percentage of the participant cost.

Three good reasons to get involved in PGS:

  1. It's a flexible program that enables you and your coach to develop a training package responsive to your area, your needs and your conditions.
  2. PGS takes a whole-of-farm business approach to improve business performance and drive profit.
  3. You work with small groups of like-minded producers with an experienced coach to support you.

Here are PGS training packages to help boost your grazing land management skills:

MLA icon Datasatellite.png MLA icon Dry Time Ready.png MLA icon Easylife.png MLA icon Property.png

Satellite-assisted forage budgeting

Drytime ready


Pasture principles

Learn how to use satellite imaginery to develop grazing bugets on a large scale and gain the skills to reliably estimate and record pasture yields.

This training package will leave producers with a fully developed drought management strategy focused on production and resource allocation.

A package developed to value-add to soil testing results and to help producers determine how to get the most bang for their fertiliser buck.

Follow the 12-month pasture production cycle and learn principles to manage pastures confidently regardless of the season or system.


Learn more

Sign up for a BredWell FedWell workshop

BredWell FedWell (BWFW) is a practical, one-day introductory workshop on how productivity and profitability can be improved through good breeding and feeding over the livestock production cycle, with a specific focus on profit drivers. Part of the workshop is focused on animal nutrition and understanding what the pasture offering is and how to compare it with the feed demand of breeding livestock. Producers can use the outcomes of the workshop to develop a genetics and nutrition regime suited to their environment and markets to boost profitability.

Learn more

Get involved in a Producer Demonstration Site (PDS)

Do you prefer to learn by seeing, doing and getting involved? Do you want to see new management practices and technologies in action? The MLA Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) program gives producers an opportunity to discover and implement new management practices that could improve business profitability, productivity and sustainability.

Working in supportive peer groups, producers gain new skills along with the confidence to apply these learnings to their own business.

There are many PDS's which focus on improving the feedbase so click below to learn more and find a PDS near you.

Learn more